NAPO-AZ's Terms of Use


Materials contained or delivered via NAPO-AZ or Partner(s) are protected by copyright and may not be reproduced, republished, transmitted, distributed, displayed, broadcast, or otherwise used in any manner without express prior written permission from NAPO-AZ. All materials are for individual use only, unless granted permission. NAPO-AZ and NAPO National retains all rights and ownership of NAPO logos and materials and other intellectual property and does not grant permission for their use without express prior written permission.

In compliance with new GDPR regulations, NAPO is committed to keeping your data safe. By accepting the Terms of Use you are accepting communications from NAPO-AZ, Mail Chimp, and WordPress. You are allowing NAPO-AZ to contact you for NAPO-AZ business and to distribute NAPO-AZ information.