Speaker Application Form

Thank you for your interest in speaking with NAPO-AZ chapter members. Please complete the following form. If you have any questions, or accompanying literature please contact our Director of Programming at programming@napo-az.com.
Contact Information
Do you give NAPO-AZ permission to record the zoom session during your presentation?
Presentation Summary

Program Guidelines
One hour is allotted for your presentation. This time may include a question and answer period. Handouts are encouraged.

Your presentation should pertain to the concerns of professional organizers. The concerns of NAPO-AZ members include:
- Learning more about how to best serve our clients
- Improving ourselves as individuals and as representatives of our profession
- Learning how to manage our business ethically and profitably

What is your background? Please provide or attach a brief biography to be used in your introduction as well as promoting your presentation.

What do you want attendees to walk away knowing after your presentation? Please provide a brief summary along with 3 points you would like to make.

What is the best career advice you have ever received?

What advice would you give your younger self at the start of your career?

How do you set yourself apart from others in your industry?

Thank you for your interest in speaking with NAPO-AZ chapter members. Please send any accompanying literature to: programming@napo-az.com