May 2021 Newsletter


President’s Message:

Welcome to our May eNewsletter!

“State of the Association”

As my term as President draws to a close on May 13, I want to welcome Sarah Nieto and her team as your new President and Board for 2021-2022. I also want to express my gratitude to each member of our Board for all of their time and hard work and to reflect on what we accomplished.

We’re still here! 

All of the unexpected challenges of a world-wide pandemic could not stop us! We stayed connected, pivoted our business models, retained our highest level of membership in recent memory, are financially sound, have launched a new website, and have come together as one to team up with Furnishing Dignity on not one - but two - amazing GO Month events. We’ve also successfully collected items to benefit women and children in need through Soles for Souls, and The Bra Recyclers.

Our vision!

The Vision Statement that emerged at our Board Retreat on May 28, 2019 was “To maximize the return on investment for current and prospective members.” To that end, we endeavored to:

  • have programs that educate, entertain, and enlighten both new and seasoned members

  • help members grow their businesses so they can do the work for which they have a passion

  • measure all of our activities against this vision statement and monitor our progress

We polled our members, and for the balance of 2019 and the first two months of 2020, we took the following action based on their interests and requests:

  • added “business builder” meetings to increase and enhance the skills necessary to successfully build and run a business.

  • extended presentations on client interaction from 45 minutes to one hour to give our members opportunities to earn CEUs (Continuing Education Units) for qualifying programs.

  • scheduled 3 social networking gatherings throughout the Valley to give members more networking opportunities.

Value for Your Membership Dues!

The initial investment of NAPO National and NAPO-AZ dues - added to other start-up costs - can seem like a considerable expense. The Board added to its mission statement the following goals to give you value for your investment in NAPO: Get Educated! Get Engaged! Get Employed!

Get Educated!

When I asked how many Board members had had a New Member Orientation Call when they joined, no hands went up (including mine!) So, starting in 2020, I invited new members to join a call and learn about the 800+ resources NAPO and NAPO-AZ offer, including a New Member Kit, podcasts, and books designed to help jumpstart and grow your business. We toured the website, visited the Member Area, and checked out the NAPO-AZ Library to name a few stops on the tour.

Get Engaged!

To keep members informed and engaged, the newsletter was expanded to encourage attendance at monthly chapter meetings, and to highlight our Business Partners, the Librarian’s monthly recommendations, and members’ achievements and birthdays. This year we also added monthly “Coffee Chats” so our Business Partners and members could get to know each other better.

Get Employed!

Members ultimately want to work! In 2019 we started the “Willing to Work” Subcontractor List to connect experienced organizers who are hiring with members looking for work. Connections made through subcontracting have led to employment, support, and lasting friendships. Sign up via the link in the monthly newsletter.

“It takes a village” and so I must thank this amazing Board who gave unselfishly of their time and expertise to support this organization and keep it viable for future members. So much gratitude goes to: Missy Feldman, Secretary; Cindy Keefe, Treasurer; Denise Stalsberg, Director of Membership; Sarah Nieto, Director of Programs and Newsletter; and Sheri MacGregor, Director of Marketing, as well as Past President, Wendy Wilson; Librarian, Debbi Bertolet; Golden Circle, Valerie Cantrell, and NAPO Ambassador, Bridges Conner. And thanks, to our members who hung in there during the challenges of 2020! Let’s build on what we learned and have a great year ahead!

Thank you from the bottom of my heart and all of the best to the new Board of Directors!

Deb Lawrence, President  

“We stand on the shoulders of those who came before us.”

Hello NAPO-AZ!!

We are thrilled to announce that NAPO-AZ has launched a new website at

Some of the features that were improved are the searchable Membership Directory, the Events Calendar with online payments, and the Members Only section.

  1. Go to member manage/manage account page
  2. Click on Create a New Directory Listing
  3. Fill out Directory Listing Form
  4. For further assistance please watch instructional video:

If you run into trouble or have questions, contact Sarah Nieto @

Please let us know feedback or concerns to ensure we continue to serve you well.

Thank you,
Your NAPO-AZ Chapter Leaders

NAPO 2021 Virtual Annual Conference was a huge success.

Thank you to the NAPO Conference Committee, they did an amazing job.

The NAPO 2021 Annual Conference was jam-packed with trending topics, including:

How to Make Social Media Videos without a Camera, Tiny Living, Media Training Secrets, Websites to Engage and Win Clients, Google Analytics, Managing Difficult Clients, Organizing Clients with ADHD, Productivity Apps: Trello, Asana, Slack, and Acuity, and much more!

What an amazing experience for all who attended.

We would like to announce that next year’s annual conference will be in Baltimore, Maryland.

Mark your calendars for April 27th- 30th 2022

Welcome Muscular Moving Men and Storage!

Operating since 2008, Muscular Moving Men and Storage, is a local full service moving company based in Phoenix, AZ.

Whether you are moving across the street or across the state, we can handle everything. From the packing to the packing supplies to temporary storage space for your belongings, we have the ability to handle every aspect of the moving experience. There is no job too big or too small for our team to handle.  We are licensed, bonded, and insured.

Contact Muscular Moving Men today in order to set up a free estimate appointment! Our trained mover athletes are ready to show you why we are the strongest name in moving.


Cade Swallows            May 3rd
Carie Gregorash          May 6th
Erynn Lober               May 14th
Kristen Steinmetz       May 23rd
Jennifer Burgess         May 31st


Congratulations to our members who are celebrating their NAPO-AZ Anniversaries!

 Amy Bowles           5/3/14

Denise Stalsberg     5/31/18

Mandy MacKenzie    5/6/20

Congratulations to our NAPO member
Jennifer Burgess
for receiving her Specialist Certificate in Brain Based Conditions

Joyce Davis
(480) 217-9653
Muscular Moving Men

Woodrow Technologies
Russ Wood


NAPO Library: Check It Out!

Would you like to listen to some great organizing info instead of reading it?  The recordings from NAPO national conferences have terrific ideas. There are various ways to access these recordings. (Since your fancy new car may not have a CD player, this becomes important!)

If you want to listen to CD’s, the NAPO-AZ library has conference recordings for the years 2005-2017.  A list of those recordings is on our website. One benefit of checking these out is that many include “reviews” from our members! And if you have a topic in mind, I am happy to make recommendations and bring some options for you to a meeting.

If you prefer to download or listen through the NAPO national website, you will find conference recordings for 2014-2019.

Please note that beginning with 2018, the only way to access conference recording is through this method; the chapter no longer receives CD’s.

The procedure to access the recordings is:

1. Log in to
2. Go to the Education tab.
3. Click on NAPO University.
4. Scroll down to the link for Conference Recordings.
5. Search by topic or year.
6. Click preview to listen to the recording. Handouts are also available.

Please feel free to contact me for any help utilizing our chapter or the national resources.

Debbi Bertolet, NAPO-AZ Librarian

To help you find a Professional Organizer, Productivity Consultant, or trusted Business Partner in Arizona, click here to go to our Find A Pro Directory.